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Advertising on MIMS online

MIMS advertising information

MIMS, together with its online version www.mimsmx.com, is the most up-to-date drug reference in the UK.. Each month, the MIMS team make an average of 200 changes, ensuring that new drugs and formulations are listed, while drugs that are no longer available are removed. MIMS is easy to use and includes all major medicines available on prescription in the UK. Medicines are grouped by therapeutic area, pharmacological class and genetic name and concise information includes active ingredient, use, dosage, price and warnings for every medicine.

Jonathan Hill
Advertising Manager
Email: jonathan.hill@haymarket.com
Tel: +44 (0) 208 267 4876

MIMS Conferences

Robert Nuzzaci
Commercial Director
Email: robert.nuzzaci@haymarket.com
Tel: +44 (0)20 8267 4884

MIMS Dermatology
 advertising information

Jonathan Hill
Advertising Manager
Email: jonathan.hill@haymarket.com
Tel: +44 (0)20 8267 4876

GP magazine and GPonline.com advertising information

GP magazine and its website GPonline.com are the essential reading for UK-based family doctors. In an NHS that's constantly changing, each week GP brings you in-depth news and analysis of the issues affecting general practice and primary care in print and online.
Unrivalled clinical coverage and guidance, award-winning columnists, practical business and financial advice, plus expert opinion and humour mean that GP covers all aspects of a busy doctor's working life.

For advertising opportunities contact:

Jonathan Hill
Advertising Manager
Email: jonathan.hill@haymarket.com
Tel: +44 (0) 20 8267 4876


Online advertising specifications

Below you will find our specifications document and information regarding click tags and file sizes. If supplying a .swf file you must embed the correct click tag and also supply a back up .gif. Please contact our advertising operations team at creative.hcr@haymarket.com if you need any further information.

Download GP Online & MIMS digital artwork specification (PDF)

Download Universal Flash clickTAG guide (Word)

MIMs Drug Search

Possible searches include drugs (by brand, generic ingredient or drug class), diseases and more.

Find drugs by:

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